4CORE - Green Seekers
4CORE has developed this online learning course to provide business owners like you with the information they need to start their sustainability journey.
Welcome to 4CORE's Green Seekers online business sustainability training
First, we would like to understand more about you and your business...
What is Sustainability?
Benefits of Sustainable Business Practices
Understanding Energy Consumption
Implementing Easy Energy-saving Strategies
What is an Energy Audit? Overview from 4CORE Auditor Jason Alfandre
Biggest Bang for Your Buck: Energy Efficiency Roadmap for Your Business (slides)
Biggest Bang for Your Buck recording Part 1
Biggest Bang for Your Buck FULL VIDEO
Heat Pump Water Heater webinar from LPEA
Engage Durango, Sustainability Manager Marty Pool presenting (23:19)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Report and Map of 19 Geothermal Case Studies (incl. Grand Junction)
Electric Kitchen How and Why with EsoTerra's Elizabeth Philbrick
EV Charging for Businesses: Resources, Grants and Financing
Recycling 101
Composting Guide
Compost Training from Table to Farm Compost
How to Reduce Food Waste
Waste to Farms: Food Waste Diversion Program at Durango School District
Recycling and Composting Challenges for Rural Communities: John Armstrong of B1 Energy
How do you reduce your materials use?
Visit Durango's Materials Purchasing Policy - Use as a Template
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